Welcome to the Glider Simulator project. This blog is a way for me to keep everyone up to speed with how the project is going. There are a number of insterested parties, so I hope to keep everyone informed.
To start from the beginning, I am building a portable trailer-based gliding simulator for my 4th year Uni project. This comprises of a real glider fuselage cut down to fit, coupled with a software simulator running on a pc and projected onto a screen in front of the pilot. Currently the only (portable) example of this is shown below. This is the British Gliding Association's sim.
The fuse is from an LS7 which was involved in an accident. It was kindly donated and I have been undergoing repairs. It was very scrappy, but after a lot of work is coming together nicely
Importantly, the fuse included critical control linkages, seat pan, seat back and trim. These are all controls that will be hooked up to give input to the pc.
The fuse has been internally re-enforced with glass fibre, and filled and sanded externally to give a smooth finish. It is close to a painting stage. The seatpan was also heavily damaged and needed work. This is fixed and so the internals are nearing the end of the repair stage as well.