Monday, August 11, 2008

CAD work a'plenty

Detailed design work continues, boring though it is. Actually, it's not that boring, but does take time. The overall design is pretty much finalised, so now I need to make sure the whole thing will actually fit together.

The area we will be covering in this episode boys and girls, is the steps/ramp/sides of the trailer. As you will note, the previous problem of a wheel just sticking through the side of the opened door is gone. It will now be covered mostly by the steps, and partly by a small door which needs to be there so that when open, the wheel has a normal wheel-well sides space surrounding it.

The pics are a little tricky to interperate at the moment since I have yet to differentiate between different panels, so it just looks like one big white sheet. Still, it gives an idea.
Also the trailer now has a more sensible front, removing the likelyhood of chopping people's legs off if they happen to be in the way. And it looks better too.
More soon . . .

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