Saturday, June 7, 2008

Flight trials

Well with some basic controls is seems a shame not to finally have a go. I borrowed a projector from a friend and set the whole lot up. The projector is not short throw like the one I am hoping to use, so the image isnt as big as I'd like. And obviously the screen is not curved either.

Still, the glider feels very good to fly, and is a lot of fun! I havn't spent that much time on it, but I notice depth perception and aircraft placement is a lot easier and more natural. Aerotowing, for instance, was easier.

Have also cut a new airbrake and trim slide, so that has been fitted.

p.s. as the end of the video, my gilfriend says 'it's not great really'. Be assured, she is refering to the video quality in the low light! :-)

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